Care Initiatives launches Leadership Academy for company leaders.
To further develop the organization’s leaders, Care Initiatives has launched its Leadership Academy. The Leadership Academy is a 12-month program designed to equip leaders with the tools, resources and knowledge needed to thrive in the ever-evolving healthcare industry. The program will consist of in-person and virtual sessions with strategically aligned projects. Participants will also receive professional coaching to help them reach their professional goals.
The Leadership Academy will focus on three main areas to provide a diverse learning experience for participants: leadership development, technical immersion, and industry experts. Leadership development will focus on personal growth, using The Predictive Index and 360 Assessments to help create higher self-awareness and focus on opportunities for development. Technical immersion will allow participants to learn more about the Care Initiatives structure, department initiatives currently being implemented as well as on the horizon, and discuss ways to collectively help each other move forward successfully. Participants will also gain valuable insights from industry experts in healthcare and learn about current and future trends and how it impacts Care Initiatives.
Care Initiatives hopes for the Leadership Academy to have impact beyond the 12 inaugural participants. “This will reach so much further. Not only do our front-line staff experience a more confident leader, but The Academy also fosters a comradery between leaders, creating alignment and momentum for moving our important work in providing quality care for our residents forward, “says Tami Larson, Training and Development Manager.
Individuals interested in applying for careers with Care Initiatives can visit www.careinitiatives.org/careers.
Care Initiatives is Iowa’s largest not-for-profit skilled nursing care and senior care provider. Care Initiatives and Care Initiatives Hospice operate 58 skilled nursing, rehabilitation, Alzheimer’s/dementia, assisted living and hospice locations throughout Iowa.